30 January 2020 current affairs (English) in One Linear


30 January 2020 Current Affairs

Which environmental economist will be given the Tyler Prize - Pawan Sukhdev and Greshan Daily
What is given as a prize in the Tyler Prize - a gold medal and Rs 2 lakhs
on whose behalf is the Tyler Prize awarded - by the University of Southern California
What does Three-E mean - Education, Employment and Empowerment
Which organism is the main cause of zika virus origin - Mosquito
By what other name is Corona being known - Viral pneumonia
Who has been credited with being included in the list of top-three in India Anajo and food product cases - farmers
Who is the chairman of HDFC bank - Deepak Parekh
In which countries the corona virus has reached - Thailand, Singapore, Australia, Japan, South Korea, USA, Malaysia, France, Germany, Vietnam, Nepal and Sri Lanka
Who has become the new Prime Minister of Qatar - Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa (Sheikh Abdullah)
Which two space agency is going to launch solar orbiter spacecraft - NASA & ESA (information of sun's northern and southern poles)
Oxford University Press (OP) has declared who is popular for 2019 - "Constitution"
Supreme court has given permission (sanction) to bring pyre from said - Nimibia (Africa)
What is the main reason for bringing pyre in India - extinction of the species of pyre
By which instrument passengers coming from China for rescue from Corona are being tested at the airport - Thermal

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